The Story of a site.

This meeting proved to sudden and at the same time very enjoyable. To us the Editor chatubate called owner-like sites that we knew a long time ago on the Internet and Web Cams chats, but I personally did not know. Surprisingly, this man also came from Russia, if only there doing similar sites, haha! (laugh)

His name is Boris Ubivalov and he came from the Far East (Vladivostok city), by the way, it is a famous site chaterbate. Relative to other website owners Web Cams chat sites Boris is still very young, he had not yet turned 30 years old. Currently, unlike Ivan Petrenko, he lives in Russia, the birthplace of vodka, balalaika and Medevedev and has no plans to move. Explains that for his soul and development necessary nature, forests and endless fields, which are found nowhere else on earth.

The idea chaterbate appeared in school. As you know, porn while not, and on the Web Cam chat could only dream of. Who knew that these dreams will come true, besides himself, Boris?
In addition to creating web chats he enjoys racing rally in his hometown, he often takes part in the races at the wheel of his car, or simply a navigator. And when his car is broken or smashed to the next tree in the corner, Boris just helps at the races and works as a judge. owner


After 16 years, it was necessary to make the money first and he started to create the first version of chaterbate. As in other cases, the first version was very ugly. Friends helped designers from the nearby university, they were engaged in drawing and accidentally saw his website.  Laughing all the long, still, where 18 year old boy to know about design? Designers quickly drew the first prototype and it was so good, that is still brand style chaterbate.

The plans he chaterbate integration with other Web Cams chat services such as chatebat and similar. The second part told about this site we will publish in a few days. We wish good luck to Boris and the successful development of its website!





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