We know chatubate, but there are other Web Cams chats. They all differ from each other and the system design. Chatubate a familiar web chat, bongo cams anchovies is a novelty, so the quality of the chat at a low level. We liked that Bongocams allows you to conveniently chat with your mobile phone. We tested this live chat on iPhone, HTC one, LG nexus and many others. At all these sites bongo displayed great!
Unfortunately, chatubate is very inconvenient for users of mobile phones. If you have an iPhone, or any other phone on android – you will experience discomfort. If you have a tablet – ipad or android, such as Samsung Galaxy, then you can sit on chatubate. But still, the greatest pleasure you get just sitting behind a PC near your monitor.

As you can see, even on a small screen of our phone, bongos displayed perfectly. All the buttons are large and easy to press, there is no extra information, videos, almost the entire screen, we like this design! Now compare with chatubate on the phone.

I think you all see on their screens. Chatubate uncomfortable on the phone! All items on the screen are small, we could hardly read the text, video does not appear, too much unnecessary information. The results of our work, we sent the developers of these WebCam chat for error analysis. We hope that they will correct their mistakes and we will be able to enjoy these live chats with Web Cams phones!